Ora et labora – Grow your faith and your sales

PT 1 – One of my most embarrassing moments as a Catholic


This one is for all the Catholic dads out there, an important lesson in passing on the faith.

It’s about the time I bought a “protestant bible” and the embarrassing way I realized my mistake.

I’m not going to give excuses here, I’m just going to explain what happened, a story that goes back to what seems like a lifetime ago …

And this “once upon a time” should sound familiar enough.

In my younger days as a single man, when me knees worked a little better, and I could burn off the bacon fat a lot easier, I wandered away from the Church …

And by “wandered away,” I mean that I was completely lost.

You probably know the general outline of how that story goes.

I gladly answered the siren call of the secular world, following whatever path suited my pleasure in the moment … and there were a lot of paths.

Looking back on it now, I can see how God was calling me back to Him over and over again, but in my stubbornness, I resisted.

Instead, it took the suffering of a big personal loss, and a serious blow to my pride, to bring me back on my hands and knees, which is what I needed.

I shared the story with my readers this past Christmas, so I’ll skip the details for now.

The point is, I came back to the Church, and the Holy Spirit had me on fire for The Faith, which is when something hit me …

I hadn’t read the Bible in years, and, at the time, I didn’t even have a copy!

Sure, I had books about money, mindset, and women, but no Bible.

That’s when I did one of the most old-fashioned things you could imagine …

I went to a bookstore.

The good news was, they were stocked with Bibles, but there were so many to choose from, I didn’t know which one to get, so I made the most obvious decision possible …

I picked the blue one. (I like blue.)

So there I was, like a Champ, walkin’ out of ye olde book shoppe, me and my blue Bible, and I was determined to go home and read it from cover to cover.

“If I’m going to be a Christian,” I said to my handsome, younger self, “I should read this whole book, because Christians read the Bible, right?”


So that’s what I set out to do.

But do you know what?

That’s enough for today.

More tomorrow.

Stay holy my friend and God bless.

The Marketing Trad

Post Scriptum –  Book your paid consultation now, and we’ll see if we can come up with a plan that works best for your business. Your consultation fee will go directly toward whatever deal we negotiate. The best way, and the only way, you can reach me is at [email protected].

Post Post Scriptum – When I wrote about “me knees,” I meant it. That wasn’t a typo … it was pirate talk.

Post Post Post Scriptum – To keep you on track with your Lenten path to holiness, I present to you the latest installment of The GREATEST Email Guide to Humility you’ve EVER seen on the Internet. Just to be clear, though, I’m just the middleman, sharing quotes from Pope Leo XIII’s book “The Practice of Humility.” Today’s quote:

“Do not get excited in conversation; if your opinion is found false or less good, give in modestly and remain in humble silence. Again give in and behave in the same way about trifles, even if you are certain that what others maintain is false.  On any other occasion, when it is important to defend the truth, do so with courage, but without fury and resentment; you may be sure that you will succeed better with kindness than with rage and indignation.

Endeavor not to cause sorrow to anyone, no matter how inferior he may be, either with words, actions or conduct, unless duty, obedience, or charity demands it.”

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