Ora et labora – Grow your faith and your sales

An unexpected lesson from WrestleMania


OK, I’m going to do one more WrestleMania-related email, and it’s easily the most important message I’ve sent in the whole series.

I’ve been sharing marketing lessons related to the WWE’s biggest show of the year, and showing you how you can turn those tips into money in the bank for your business, but …

Today’s email is going off in a completely different direction.

Honestly, I wasn’t going to talk about professional wrestling for a while, but something hit me last night.

You see, WrestleMania is one of the biggest entertainment events of the entire year, no matter what sport or concert you’re talking about, and the entire spectacle was the vision of one man …

Vincent Kennedy McMahon.

If we’re being honest here, he was the brains behind the brand.

Back in the day, he bought the promotion off his father and took it to heights that even Vince Sr. would never have imagined in a million years …

And a big part of that came from going all in on the first WrestleMania in 1985.

Eventually, the promotion was sold for something like $9.3 billion, which is insane!

Seriously, think about it …

Can you even imagine what having just half of that kind of money would be like? The number is so huge, most people can’t even begin to fathom that level of wealth …

Then again, as Christ tells us, money ain’t everything and you can’t live on bread alone, but that’s not what I wanted to talk about today.

For that, I want to get back to Vince, guys like you and me, and the number one rule that governs my entire business and marketing philosophy, which is actually quite simple …

Honour God.

If you’re a Catholic entrepreneur, you can and SHOULD honour the Lord in your business, even if your product or service isn’t aimed at a specifically religious audience …

And there are so many ways you can make it happen.

For starters, don’t do anything in your personal life that you’re going to regret if it’s made public.

Now, I’m not going to dump on Vince here, or get into the scandals and lawsuits he’s facing, but I think it’s worth mentioning, in a general way, as a reminder that we all have to face the judgment of Christ …

And how we manage our companies is going to play a factor.

To that end, why not set an example for your team?

Why not include Christ-like virtues in your mission statement?

Why not bring that light of Jesus into the workplace with unexpected acts of kindness and charity?

How about setting higher moral standards when it comes to your marketing campaigns?

How about avoiding occasions of sin and diverting your eyes?

How about making that extra effort to treat your employees better and to show them mercy when the situation calls for it …

Or refuse to take part in gossip …

Or stop putting down team members behind their backs.

Now, I get it, you’re not there to be anyone’s friend.

Ultimately, you’re the boss, and that has to be clear to everyone …

But you shouldn’t lord your authority over others like the pagans do, and leadership doesn’t have to be void of virtue.

Still, as Stone Cold Steve Austine might say, “the bottom line is this”…

We’re called to be disciples of Christ in every aspect of our lives, including in our companies, because if God has blessed you with a business …

It’s meant to be part of your sanctification …

It’s your path to Heaven, so don’t shrug off the responsibility.

If it feels like you can’t handle it, then pray for the grace and strength to do so, and if you need some extra help in that area, let me know.

That’s enough for now.

Have a great weekend and don’t forget to get to Mass.

Stay holy my friend, and God bless.


The Marketing Trad

Post Scriptum – Book your paid consultation today, and we’ll see if we can come up with a plan that works best for your business. Your fee goes directly toward whatever deal we negotiate. The best way, and the only way, you can reach me is at [email protected].

Post Post Scriptum – Cash ain’t king, Christ is! So, here’s the next installment in the ongoing series on QUAS PRIMAS, the papal Encyclical on The Feast of Christ the King by Pope Pius XI. Out of all the excerpts I’ve shared so far, this one is my favourite:

“He is King of hearts, too, by reason of His ‘charity which exceedeth all knowledge.’ And his mercy and kindness which draw all men to Him, for never has it been known, nor will it ever be, that man be loved so much and so universally as Jesus Christ. But if we ponder this matter more deeply, we cannot but see that the title and the power of King belongs to Christ as man in the strict and proper sense too. For it is only as man that He may be said to have received from the Father ‘power and glory and a kingdom,’ since the Word of God, as consubstantial with the Father, has all things in common with Him, and therefore has necessarily supreme and absolute dominion over all things created.”

Post Post Post Scriptum – Pray for Vince and his family.

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