What I’m about to say will scare the socks off a lot of business owners.
It’s not even close to Halloween, I know, but this one thing might even give a few of the manliest men out there a mild panic attack and send them running for their mommies!
These are the kinds of entrepreneurs, though, who have zero faith in their marketing skills or their email list.
So, what is it?
Well, I hope you’re sitting down, and if you’re not, then do yourself a favor and have a seat before going any further.
If you ain’t sittin’ down by now, then please …
Only continue on at your own risk!
The highly contentious “trick” I’m talking about is …
Sending more than one email to your list in a single day.
Are you still breathing?
Now, does that advice sound crazy?
On the surface it might, but think about it …
How many people are opening every single one of your emails?
I’m going to guess that your most dedicated fans are, because …
If you’re following The Marketing Trad playbook for writing killer emails, then your diehard readers will actually look forward to seeing you in their inbox.
Because you’re being interesting …
You’re being entertaining …
And you’re going to be way different from every other boring competitor in your field.
The reality, though, is that not everyone is always going to see every single one of your emails.
It might be that your client is busy with paperwork and hasn’t checked their Gmail for a few days.
It might be that they’re bored, even with your incredibly entertaining self, and they took a break for a few days, but they know you always bring the heat, so they dip in every now and again.
The point is …
You never know when someone is going to read one of your emails.
I’ve even seen some people respond to eblasts weeks or even months after they received them.
So, if you send more than one email in a day, like for a big sale you have going on, and you space things out just right, just take a deep breath because you’re going to be OK.
You’re going to increase the chances at making a sale.
Will you have some people unsubscribe?
Yes, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying, but …
That’s why you should always be looking at ways to refill your pipeline and refresh your list.
Also, it REALLY helps if you’re doing this one other thing, too, and I’ll get to more on that tomorry.
Stay holy my friend and God bless.
The Marketing Trad
Post Scriptum – Book your paid consultation today, and we’ll see if we can come up with a plan that works best for your business. Your fee goes directly toward whatever deal we negotiate. The best way, and the only way, you can reach me is at [email protected].
Post Post Scriptum – There’s only one way to make a Wednesday any better than it possibly could be … another installment of Taking Down the Modernists with Pope St. Pius X and his most excellent encyclical, PASCENDI DOMINICI GREGIS. Today … we continue with The Origin of Dogmas:
“The intellect, then, encountering this sentiment directs itself upon it, and produces in it a work resembling that of a painter who restores and gives new life to a picture that has perished with age. The simile is that of one of the leaders of Modernism. The operation of the intellect in this work is a double one: first by a natural and spontaneous act it expresses its concept in a simple, ordinary statement; then, on reflection and deeper consideration, or, as they say, by elaborating its thought, it expresses the idea in secondary propositions, which are derived from the first, but are more perfect and distinct. These secondary propositions, if they finally receive the approval of the supreme magisterium of the Church, constitute dogma.”